Friday, August 8, 2008


"Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things." Philippians 4:8

Each night as I tuck Maeve in she asks that I pray for her dreams. I always pray that her thoughts, as she sleeps, would focus on all the attributes listed above. So tonight, as I write, I remind myself to do the same. I could tell of the myriad of hassles that occurred, or my frustrations with this and that, or concerns that lay on my heart; but instead I will think on what is good.
Yesterday evening, Maeve and Myles were playing a variety of sports in the yard. Play had moved to the front, and they needed me to hose down their b-ball court - I don't know what for, but I obliged. As I was spraying, I allowed my wayward hose to catch Myles by surprise. He complained, "Now my clothes are all wet!" To which I responded, "So," and sprayed him again. Well, Maeve got involved, Myles decided this was a great idea, and within 3 minutes I had two drenched kids rearing to go. A quick change into bathing suits, a sprinkler set up, and what followed was pure joy - for us both!

Summertime-sprinkler-fun is number 108 on my Gift List!

1 comment:

Superhero Mom said...

Looks like so much fun! My Dad use to do that with me and I love to spray my kids down. My kids however, like to play in mud! So on occasion I actually let them take showers (soap and shampoo) outside - we all love that! What great memories for all of you!