Friday, August 22, 2008

Post Card Series - Volume 4

"The sea was angry my friend" (George Costanza)

Today, we were met with some rain, but there's a threat of sun tomorrow! Regardless, we enjoyed indoor and outdoor activities.

Mimi rocked with Eamon while we explored the beach.

Maeve, ready to see what the surf churned up.

"Catch of the Day!" - a horseshoe crab still giving me chills - yuk!

All lined up for fun!

A swim indoors. Uncle Jerry as lifeguard.

Relaxing for a moment before Surf Watching.

Highlights that were not captured on film, because why would I have a camera when I really need one. Our first alligator sighting - one large, one small, and one ferociously attacking its prey on land. Glad we were in the car. Myles jumping into the pool and going under - a first. He is not a big fan of under water adventures, but I think he is learning - it was love at first jump! And, Maeve has a new hermit crab, Rainbow, that makes 4!

We are missing you David!


Superhero Mom said...

What absolute fun you are all having! That sky looked vaguely familiar to me and OH the wind! I love it! Glad we could share the same sky - and OH the sun is shining today and guess what we are doing.....picking up branches and throwing away broken chairs that got tossed around - and mowing the lawn which is WAY to high for the front yard! Love you!

ginny said...

Well... we're home and you guys are STILL ON VACATION !!! How cool is that! I wish I were there with you all on the beach, stormy or not! Hope you're having a wonderful time - enjoy every minute of it! Hugs and kisses to all of you from all of us !