Saturday, August 9, 2008

Laughter is Good Medicine

*Updated! Yeah, thanks to my neighbor I was able to add the video. Be patient, it takes Eamon a bit to warm up!

Unmistakable laughter. What a gift for us to hear and see the joy Eamon is experiencing. Knowing that our little man is connecting to the people and things around him is completely satisfying to this mom and dad!

This is new for Eamon. It is like the first time your newborn clearly responds - only a little later than usual for us. For a long time Eamon did not smile, let alone laugh; and I was OK with it for me, but I so wanted it for him - that expression of pleasure. Now however, I am spoiled and a bit addicted to his funny ways. I need the interaction, and am eternally grateful to be front-row-center to such an explosion of development for Eamon!

"The joy of the Lord is your strength." (Ne 8:10) - Eamon's and ours!

Number 109 on my Gift List - Laughter.

This is a quick video of the little mister working the crowd. Well, his dad.

A teaser, I can not seem to get the clip to upload. I'll try again.


Superhero Mom said...

OH MY GOODNESS! I loved the belly laugh! He sounds like you when he laughs Tracy! It was so amazing to hear David's voice too!!! OH I just loved this post so much! Thank you for sharing that video - I just wanted to reach into my monitor and give little Eamon a kiss on that beautiful forehead!!! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....I loved this!

ginny said...

Gotta love that kid and gotta love that laugh!!!! I'm glad he thinks his daddy is so funny! Thanks for the other night , I truly enjoyed spending a little time with my youngest nephew!

Becky said...

Oh my-- Tracy, this was just the most BEAUTIFUL video clip. When I think of my little man who cannot smile on command, I can identify with you so much on the feeling of wanting that joy for THEM and the feeling to be evident.
Eamon is just beautiful. We miss you guys

Anonymous said...

that was awesome!!!! love you guys...

Lisa said...

OH MY......The cuteness that surrounds our little man. THE BELLY LAUGH IS GOOD MEDICINE FOR US ALL!

grandma carole said...

I just got time to look up the blog with Eamon laughing. OH MY GOD!!! How precious is our little man. His laughter is so contagious, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so I did both.
They were tears of joy though. He has brought so much joy into my life. I can't imagine how much
God must love me to bless me with such beautiful grandchildren. Thank you JESUS.

Momma-of-5 said... I know there have been times that I've laughed so hard I cried...but I've never cried because SOMEONE ELSE was laughing. What an amazing miracle, Tracy! I'm praising God for that gift!