Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Post Card Series - Volume 8

Turtle races followed by sand dollar painting this morning. Swimming, pizza and wings for lunch compliments of Papa, the beach for some digging and jumping of waves, dinner and late night shopping at Coligny. Fun, but we, the moms, are tired.

Shuffle Board Anyone?

I love that pout!

The reason: not the champion of shuffleboard!

View from our lunch date with Papa.

Eamon dipped (his feet) in the pool today. Tomorrow, we are trying the whole body. Both Eamon and Mady were thrilled. It has been wonderful to see the social side of Eamon emerging. He adores Mady, all the kids really, but Mady is his size. They are only 9 months apart. And it is obvious their rapport. I love that it is reciprocal - Eamon reacts and responds to her with smiles, laughing and reaching out to touch.

Hanging out!

Our dream, that would be Erica and I, to relax, alone, possible for several consecutive minutes.

Maeve, my beach girl. So unlike her mama.
Eamon's girl, Mady.
Aunt Erica braving the waves.

1 comment:

Superhero Mom said...

Wow so much reading! I have had a lot of catching up to do! What a wonderful and beautiful (pictures of the sky on the last blog) vacation you are having. I loved that we got to see you! You are as beautiful as I left you!! I miss you Tracy Catherine. My heart aches a little right now, just would love to see you again! Glad you are having a wonderful time and I'm happy your hubby will now be joining you!