Friday, August 29, 2008

Gift List from the Sea

1,000 Gift List continued

114. My morning walk on the beach. I love that time of day - quiet, peaceful, and refreshing. I can sing, loudly, whatever is playing on my Ipod. My prayers are carried on the wind. I actually feel closer to God, able to see a glimpse of his greatness as I look out into the vast sea. Even my confessions, words I would not speak to others, find their place. Freeing me.

115. As I walked back up from the beach I could see my brother Tim on our balcony. He lives in DC so it was a treat to see his face early in the morning. Any news or sighting of my little brother brings a smile to my face, and I guess it always will!

116. Vacation has allowed us a quick revisit to our youth. Thursday night, all my siblings (and their families) were under mom and dad's roof.

117. Bike riding with my husband, Maeve and Myles. This island is laced with paths. A great view of golf courses, lagoons, all sorts of wildlife, and it offers a bit of exercise to counteract my many indulgences. We rented bikes that have the child's bike attached. This afternoon, I loved seeing my little Myles pedaling so hard behind his big daddy. Both Maeve and Myles were screaming in delight at the sights and speed.

1 comment:

ginny said...

Tracy - you are getting it !!! Talking about your walks on the beach, the quiteness, the sounds of the ocean the birds..... I am so proud of you! That's exactly why I love it so much! I always said the beach "fills my soul up" - it quiets me, calms me , gives me time to think and wonder of all the beauty God has provided for us ! I'm jealous you get to spend so much time there. We miss you lots !