Wednesday, March 25, 2009

We are Home!

This might be the shortest post, ever... I am so tired, but want to share the good news! Eamon Joseph came home last night around 9 pm! I was determined, so we worked the day long to bring the prince home. What a scene! A hospital room has basically been set up in our living room, supplies lining every available surface. A respiratory therapist, shift nurse, and clinical supervisor all descended upon us as we walked through the door! Colleen and Dane were in the kitchen preparing a delicious eggplant dinner. Amidst the chaos, my normal OCD-self was too excited to be concerned about the dizzying details, I was at peace - my prince was home, breathing well, settling into our new normal.

Thank you for praying, and believing the best for Eamon. M&M are having a fabulous time in Disney, but are looking forward to seeing the mister, mommy and daddy Friday night.

I forgot to mention last week, Eamon did get his ears, even before the trip. Some thoughtful "Ears for Eamon" fans sent a bit of Disney to the prince. Ears, a stuffed Mickey Mouse, books, stickers, pins, etc. - I cried at the sight, so much love for such a little man!



Superhero Mom said...

OH Yea! Again I can't thank you enough for allowing us to spend time with your M&Ms! I hope you got my pictures and my emails. I love you so much! "See ya real soon!" Do you what that quote is from? Hmmm...? xxx ooo

Jen said...

So glad to hear you all are home! Hope all is going well!!