Friday, March 6, 2009

Here We Go!

This is going to be quick, more details will follow.

Eamon did well, he has his new bow tie, looking so handsome! The day has been long, but filled with peace and lots of love for the prince! I am quite overwhelmed, really, by the kind words, prayers and feeling of community - an Eamon Love Fest!

I am reminding myself, "Do not be afraid...your prayer has been heard." The trach training has officially begun ... a scare, all available nurses/respiratory therapist run to Eamon's bedside, an ambu bag, saline, some serious suction later, and he is fine. Not so sure about the mother! I am well aware that the trach needs lots of daily care, supplies need to be at the ready, and a portable suction machine must never leave my side, but!!! I was not thinking about Eamon being plugged, a color change, and several hands required to clear him .

My grip just tightened, Follow Him. His strength is made perfect in my weakness. I'm feeling so weak, now that's a start!


Momma-of-5 said...

TC - So glad the procedure went well and you've had the peace and encouragement you've needed...right on time! God's so good!

We'll be praying for your transition and any challenges, concerns, adventures, etc. that come along with it.

I wish you had a button on your blog so I could put it on mine. We need to find some techie to do that for you! =)

LOTS OF LOVE coming your way from Ramsey....

Superhero Mom said...

And all of Florida sighs Ahhh...My boys were so adorable yesterday. They just kept telling me thoughout the day that they just prayed for Eamon. Our homeschool kids prayed too at exactly 1:55 pm and then again at 2:30pm when we finished. All the boys and girls had learned with the trachea was...very cool. This morning Shane said..."Mommy I fell asleep reminding Jesus to take good care of Eamon." Mike and I looked at each other with tears in our eyes! We love you!

Jen said...

I just wanted you to know Eamon, You and your family are in my prayers! I know this must an extremely difficult time for you but your faith is amazing!! Thanks for sharing your story!!

