Monday, March 9, 2009

The Ears are in Question

Eamon's blood work was great this morning..."textbook" to quote the Dr. Now that is a first for the prince. The prevailing theory on O2 drops yesterday is dehydration from the record breaking "movement". He has been so restless. They are trying to keep him sedated, but to no avail. The trach will be replaced on Wed., this is routine post surgery, and will allow Eamon to come out of sedation - wait, is he ?! Cultures aren't all back, thoughts of infection seem unlikely, but the antibiotics will be continue for now.

One surprise visit today from Ms Lisa, Eamon's pt, allowed for some range of motion/stretching. I'm sure this felt great. She brought along an angel light catcher for the prince. During Lisa's pregnancy, while Mary was here, and even after Mary went to heaven people often gave angels to her. Lisa chose to share this special token with Eamon, our angel here on earth.

The question of "ears" was being tossed around today. I thought I should mention the possibility of a change in plans to M&M. Their reaction was surprising. They so want our whole family to enjoy Disney together, I think they would prefer rescheduling so Eamon can go.

Oh, what to do?!

There are several options, all of which fall somewhat short of the perfect answer. Several months ago, long before any trip was planned, someone suggested that we would go without the prince! The idea shocked me. A family vacation without the whole family! "Oh, no," I remember responding, "Eamon has to go with us!"

But today, for the first time, "Ears" started to look out of the question . At least for this trip.


Superhero Mom said...

I can't imagine the turmoil in your heart Tracy. We will still pray...but please know not going anywhere! Still praying a quick and thorough recovery for you little Prince! Love and blessings to you!

Scrapronicity said...

`I think Superhero Mom makes a great point...DIsney is here to stay! I'm sorry you have yet another decision to make BUT I'm so thrilled Eamon is hanging in there! Has he asked about me yet? I think he misses my humor and sarcasm. ;)

Whatever you decide, it will be the right decision. :) Miss you guys and I'm sending you lots of love!! Talk to you soon. XOXO


Alexa said...

Hi Tracey,
I just started reading your blog, and seriously the tears will not stop. However, we know that God has your prince in His hands, and He knows more than we can ever hope to know. My prayers are with your family. My two year old, Gideon, is sitting here next to me as we looked at your blog, and he pointed to Eamon, and said, ", so cute". And he is right. Eamon is an angel.