Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Big Day!

The ENT replaced Eamon's trach today. I am proud to report that I did not pass out from the sight of the stoma, the new hole in the prince's neck. The Dr scoped Eamon finding more evidence of tracheomalacia, a weakening of the trachea, further down the pipe, so to speak. A concern, but not an alarm. Some more training for me followed, but nothing hands on yet.

Once the trach was set, Eamon's sedation and pain meds were dropped - Yay! Next to go was the ventilator, Eamon's breathing machine. He did really well for several hours, but as night fell so did his numbers, breaths were more labored, low grade fever, and incredible restlessness - the likes I have never seen in my prince. He was sweaty, clammy, and cold - all at the same time. Possibly some withdrawal symptoms from the narcotics. Now, smaller doses have been reintroduced to allow for a bit of a wean... and, the prince sleeps.

Respiratory will be back in soon to add a heated humidification and maybe some cpap/bipap through the night. This breathing machine allows Eamon to do the breathing, offering pressure support on the inhale/exhale. So it would seem we have lots of room for tweaking. There is a verse in psalms stating that the Lord gives rest to those He loves...tonight, Eamon and I are looking for a little love.

And, the Disney question still looms. The scenarios currently being played out are:
David goes to Florida with Maeve and Myles; or Maeve and Myles travel with Grandma and Aunt Ginny. I am not sure if M&M off to Disney, while David and I transition Eamon home, is a divinely orchestrated "perfect" solution or my worst nightmare. I feel heartsick for them already.

M&M will most likely do fine. While Maeve discussed this option with Grandma she claimed, "Well, I don't really see Mommy that much anyway." WHAT! Clearly, my daughter has a future calling in legal council. I am absent for breakfast, but pick them up every afternoon, stay through bedtime, leaving for the hospital when all lights are out! Oh, and apparently she doesn't see Daddy that much either. So, it would seem Maeve has a plan

David wants to be home to help with Eamon. Private duty nursing looks to be warranted. New supplies, equipment, and house reorganization could be addressed while my M&Ms enjoy Disney. There would be a 1 to 1 adult/child ratio, I like that. And, I don't believe this would count as our family trip, because 3/5ths of the team would be home. Is this a no-brainer?!

I am open to thoughts, in the council of many there is wisdom. I need clear peace, either way. And, I am confident it will come, speak Lord, your servant is listening!


Scrapronicity said...

Hello my friend :) Yes, it does sound like a busy day! I did send you a FB e-mail but this clears things up a bit for me. My first instinct is that "M &M" should go...but I wasn't sure if Maeve would go for that. If she would, I like the idea of David going since I don't know if you could stay away from Eamon. Nope, it's not a "family" trip BUT there is time for that!! I think Maeve and Myles could use some Disney fun, I'm just sorry it's not sticking with the original plan. :(

Good luck with your decision. Oh and for the are seriously the BEST mother I know. Maeve was just being an *almost* 7 year old with selective memory. :) XOXO

Lisa said...

Just my opinion, but I totally agree with Jodi. There will be plenty of time for "family Fun" to come but for now let's get you, David and the Prince settled into your new "NORM". I think M&M will be fine, I'm sure they will feel homesick but we are all there for them and you will only be a phone call away at any time of the day or night. God must have had his reasons for chosing a time such as this for the "new NORM" we have to trust that there was a purpose and plan, He had you set up this whole trip knowing what was to come....we are all praying for you to be comforted in any desicion you make......GOD WILL SPEAK AND YOU WILL KNOW.

ginny said...

Tracy - ok - I'm going to put my 2 cents in too..... I think you and David should spend time with Eamon next week, learning all his new "bells and whistles" and just being able to sleep while the prince sleeps ! Think how wonderful that would be after the last few weeks ! I for one, would look forward to spending time with M and M who I don't get to see enough ! Cell phones are always with us, they could call ANYTIME !!! I understand you wanting the "family vacation" , but that will happen , perhaps in the fall. Take advantage of this time with Eamon, get him well and strong! We stand by you guys whichever decision you make....

Superhero Mom said...

Ok so there is wisdom in the words that have gone before me. Selfishly I was so hoping that I could give you a real flesh on flesh hug! Again, Lisa is fun is in order...but it can be done a little later...this would not count. As for your M&M...Disney has a way of making your world a little lighter. I think Maeve and Myles would have a wonderful time. As I said could go again (and you should) :) I think for now, you need your husband and he needs you...and your prince needs you both! In the end...Lisa is right will clearly hear from God..and be confident adn comforted in whatever decision.

Momma-of-5 said...

I'm with all the commenters above! I think it would do M&M some good to feel "pampered" and do you and David a world of good to be able to 100% concentrate on transition. M&M will be in GREAT hands. If Maeve's game to go, you could have her take notes so "next time she can show YOU the hot spots!" decide you don't want to split up the family for the week...we'd love to have a few play dates! We're not going anywhere because it's the last week of Shane's fiscal year at work, so he needs to be in the office. We MIGHT do a Great Wolf Lodge night, but right now, it doesn't look like it! So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE...keep us in mind for M&M if they don't head to Disney!

Praying for peace in your decision.

Scrapronicity said...

After reading the comments I then realized that both you AND David would stay home (my brain was telling me David would go with M & M but I see he wants to stay home...I can understand that.). That works too! It's the perfect opportunity for you to settle into your "new norm" as Lisa said.

By the way, even better than *just* using the cell phones is taking cell photos along the way! You will know what they are doing and they will know what you are doing! (now that you are a complete cyber nerd I hope your phones have cameras.) ;)

I know you won't believe this BUT I was actually discussing (with Frank) exactly what Lisa was saying. There must be a reason everything happened this way. And I believe that no matter what decision you make, it will be the right one.

I hope you have a peaceful night... XOXO