Saturday, March 21, 2009


Yes, we are still in the hospital. Each day this past week brought the hope of discharge, but the plan was repeatedly foiled. Tonight, Eamon is using his "home" vent. We are taking it out for a trial, tweaking as needed. More instruction for David and I tomorrow. Monday the O2 set up and remainder of supplies should be delivered. And then, dare I say Monday late or Tuesday early, we return home!

Eamon is feeling well, looking as precious as ever - bow tie and all, and is acting like himself. He is my little hero - so brave and strong, keeping a smile on his face regardless. I have said to the nurses, Eamon is the most pleasant person I have ever met, hands down.

Maeve and Myles left for Disney early Friday morning. I slept home Thursday night, Mimi had a slumber party with the prince at the hospital. It was a restless night, I woke often, looking over for Eamon, realizing after panic settled he wasn't there. I had a terrible dream that the trach fell out. I was wrestling to slip the new one in while Eamon struggled to breathe. I got up, feeling sick over the dream and the impending reality - my M&M's were leaving for 8 days! I put on a brave front, but final hugs were a bit more than I could bare. Myles looked in disbelief at my tears/crying/impending sob - He probably wondered why an incredible trip to see Mickey warranted all this wetness. I know we made the right decision, but it stinks that this was my best choice!

There is much to do this week before and after the Prince returns home, and I am thankful for the "gift" of time to prepare for our "new-est normal yet"! I am working to be still, steady, and expectant - believing that our prayers have been heard so we need not fear!

Thank you for climbing the hill with us, looking forward to seeing the other-side! xo


colleen said...

hey! just wanted to remind you that you are loved!!! praying for a double dose of grace for you and david =)

Scrapronicity said...

Tracy... I was thinking about you on Friday (well, I always think about you) knowing what a tough day it must have been. I agree, it stinks and I can only imagine the emotions! That said, it takes a LOVING Mom and a STRONG Mom to send M & M off to Disney, allowing them to have such an amazing adventure. I know the adventure you are having here isn't as pleasant, but that sweet boy of yours is proof that it's all worth it. I hope that you get home early this week (as opposed to mid or late...did that make you laugh???). I'll miss you on Monday but I hope talk to you soon. XOXO

Superhero Mom said...

I love you so! Thank you for your honest and loving heart! We are also praying for you my dear friend. Know you are loved and never ever alone!