Thursday, June 26, 2008


Seems so small a gesture, saying the words "Thank-you", when so many have poured out their own life on our behalf. But, we are so thankful for the tangible way you have collectively lifted our burden. His yoke is easy and his burden is light - truth that was partly revealed in the many ways God extended His hand through our family and friends. What peace we rested in while others fasted and prayed; what joy knowing Maeve and Myles were well cared for (and having a ball); what comfort when treats were prepared for us to help pass the time at the hospital; what kindness when nurses and Drs went the extra mile; and what grace when my shortcomings were overlooked. We know God has placed Eamon in the hearts of many, and we look forward to continue the journey with you!

Speaking of the prince, he is doing well. Improving each day, seeming to require less oxygen, a hoped-for-benefit of the surgery . His feeding schedule will take some time to get on track - a work in progress. We are all settling back in, and shifting gear into summer-mode!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Hey Barclay5. So glad our little prince is home! It is amazing how God is using someone so little (and so cute) to change the hearts and lives of many. This journey we are on together is a constant reminder of the blessed miracle of life in itself. We are so Thankful for our Little Angel! To God be the Glory!
"His Love has no limit, His grace has no measure, His power no boundary known to men; For out of His infinite riches in Jesus He giveth and giveth and giveth again."
We love you all very much.
The Bushman family