Saturday, September 6, 2008

It's a Wrap!

And, we are back! We came home early to avoid the storm. I'm so glad to have a little extra time to get ready for M & M's 1st day of school! It was great to sleep in my bed last night. It is always good to be home.

Here are some final pictures of vacation.

Eamon relaxing under a tree.

In cognito...

Eamon singing along to Jimmy Buffet, playing in the background, at the poolside party

Really, letting it rip now.

Sunglasses for the performance

Just plain-old cuteness.

Maeve enjoying poolside games and dancing

Limbo time!

Tidal pool fun

Lookin' to catch a wave on our last day

My little man

My big man

The prince, fast asleep, on the beach.

Myles building his castle, but his true joy was knocking it down.

Maeve and Myles sittin' in a southern tree!

One of our last dips. Our final evening we did a pool crawl. Two hours - five pools, serious fun!

The sky as we ate dinner our last night.

I am so grateful for time away and memories made! It is easier to come home when there is something exciting ahead. Monday starts school and fall activities so there is no time for lamenting the end of summer! But often, in my mind I go to Carolina...I hear it is beautiful there today!

Gift List continued...

118. Our home - safety from the storm.

119. Our reunion with Grandma. The children were busting to see her.

120. A surprise visit from Uncle Joe. Tears in his eyes as he watched Eamon laughing and eating-up all the attention. Real men do cry!


ginny said...

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! Awesome that you are all home safely, awesome that you had a fabulous time, awesome that Eamon is just a barrel of laughs (Uncle Joe was SO EXCITED TO SEE HIM!)Wish M & M good luck in school this week ! Hope to see you real soon ! Love you LOTS !

Superhero Mom said...

Grandma Carole told me about Uncle Joe getting choked up! I was so touched. Thank you for your comment and prayers for Kyle - he is really struggling. Had my appointment on Friday with the school psychologist. It's never really encouraging. I am starting a new Beth Moore study - Believing God (we just finished Daniel) and I think it is just what I need "for such a time as this" in my life. I am praying for you guys as tomorrow is the first day for M&M! I hope all goes smoothly. If you get a moment in your day, if the Prince is napping, if you want to give me a buzz and let me know how everyone made out I will be home and will take a call from TC even in the middle of my homeschool day!(I don't take too many calls during the day anymore!) I love you to pieces!