Monday, September 8, 2008

First Day!

What is it about the first day of school! Such excitement for the kids ...and moms. It was technically Maeve's 5th day, we were enjoying the last bit of summer during her real 1st day, but whose counting.
Maeve was surprisingly anxious, reminding me that it was not everyone else's first day (note to self about vacation planning for next year) until she saw her friends.

Myles was ready from wake-up. He knows his teacher, the classroom, and his buddies. He found Ty when we were dropping Maeve and the two rejoiced like long-lost brothers!

Eamon was our side-kick all day - we even had his and her gym classes this afternoon. Today felt unusually normal. I readied all my children, I dropped the older two at school, picked up Myles, then back again to pick-up Maeve. All very normal mom behaviour, but kind of new to us. Last year, during M&M's first week Eamon was hospitalized for several weeks. I was not able to be as visible as I wanted at school because Eamon just had a tough year. However, Eamon is in a better place today - thank you Jesus! Today Eamon was simply the little brother, the third child being dragged around after the others, laughing away - and it felt so good!
A normal day with my three children - definitely a gift and number 121 on my list!

1 comment:

Superhero Mom said...

Funny how we enjoy "normal life" huh? Thanks for your words of encouragement. I love your pictures! Keep them coming! Have a great "normal week"!