Friday, September 12, 2008

Just for Fun!

This is a first. My friend Lisa at Superhero Mom has tagged me. This is how the game works. I need to disclose 6 quirky facts about me. I have an audience at the moment, and they laughed out loud. Apparently, this should not be too hard.

After, the information is disseminated I will need to tag 6 others. Unfortunately, I am new to the blog world and kind of keep to myself in bloggyland. So I will only tag Amy @ Tales from the Higby Gang.

My Top Six Quirky Facts:

1. Dancing with the Stars has caused me to rethink my calling in life. If only my mom had encouraged my great love of dance. So truth be known I dance, albeit around my living room with Maeve, Myles, and Eamon as my audience and partners.

2. I enjoy products for the face. I am really excited about my new make-up. Sometimes, I am such a girl! I needed to make some changes. So for my bday, in March, I decided to shop for a new line. Well, it was August when I finally made the purchase. Not because I was busy researching. As a matter of fact, Bare Escentuals - the leader in mineral make-up, was the first counter I stopped at. I was quickly sold. Make-up you can wear to bed. I won't, but knowing I can makes me smile! I bought everything, and love it! I have a kabuki brush to apply my foundation, I just like saying that word - Kabuki, Kabuki, Kabuki! Okay, I will stop now.

3. I really, really dislike feet! I would even consider the word hate here, but I tell my children to use that powerful word with discretion. OK, I hate feet. Not all feet, feet under the age of ten are good, real good actually, but that's another quirk. I love my husband from the top of his head to, well... his ankles.

4. I can be persuaded, fairly easily, to do something that sounds (at least on the onset) to be fun. My sister-in-law, Erica, once talked me into being a Jersey Jammer. I was in college and it was to raise money for a cause, what cause I can't remember. We wore cowgirl outfits and danced to a choreographed number during the half-time show at a Giants' game. We, Erica and I, pulled our hats on tightly as directed. Well, some fashion conscious jammers put vanity over hat security. In the middle of our routine, the hats went flying. The vain jammers didn't know what to do - get the hat, an integral prop in the performance; or continue on valiantly pretending to still be donning one. Needless to say, we were booed by the fans. It is only now, enough time having passed, that we can talk about it!

5. I comb hair - somewhat obsessively. I usually have a brush on my person. I like for M,M,& E to be well coiffed at all times. I have quite a collection of bows for Maeve's hair. I guess you could say I like order - in my home, car, and on our heads.

6. I have several food related issues. I love dessert foods, but never before I eat breakfast. I can not talk about the origins of meat, especially while I'm eating. And, I can not, will not eat chicken on a bone - Sam I am!

I thought maybe I'd here from you.
So, here goes. What are some of your quirky fun facts?

Tag, your it!


Lisa said...

I,myself, am also not only a dancer but a singer. If you have ever heard my Emma sing she mimics her mother's tunes perfectly, from Jordan Sparks to Princess Ariel. In our world our voices are surely in tune! Come and join us someday in our car and you'll get the concert of your life! This would be the only quirk I shall reveal.....You need not hear any more....
On another "note" (hahahaha- just a little music humor) didn't you think the Lion card I found for our little prince was perfect for him......That picture portrays how I ALWAYS see my little man! oh how I just love him sooooo much. Hugs and kisses to all.

Superhero Mom said...

Bravo Tracy Catherine! I loved this! I would love to have been a fly on the wall to see that Jersey Jammer!! ::Big Grin:: Oh and I'm sorry to hear about your no chicken on the bone -- it is quickly becoming the only way my children will eat chicken. Oh and they eat just like "real men"..put the bone and and pull the bone out bare of any meat! grosses me out too, but at least they are eating! Nuggets are a thing of the past..I try, but they just don't do nuggets anymore! (Of course, we don't do fast food nuggets...I'm talking frozen ones...its just not the same as McDonals or Wendys!) I love you!