Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Slowing Done

One of the many reasons I love Eamon's therapy sessions is that I am forced to slow done and pay attention. I can see things otherwise hidden because my pace is usually too fast. The idea that God displays many miraculous moments throughout our days, if only we would take the time to look, is reason to give thanks. And so, with gratitude, I keep count of the many gifts lavished upon me each day.

Continuing to name them one by one:

81. Irish families - gatherings always filled with music, food, and lots of laughter.

82. Generations playing together. Children, lots of children, playing in our former spots.

83. Unexpected flowers - roses sent to bring color to my day.

84. Ice cream with your best friend.

85. Weekends that start with " Dad's Famous Pancakes" - quite the rage in our house!

86. Talking with Myles. I love the faces he makes, the sound of his little boy words, and the great enthusiasm he supplies.

87. Playing any sport with Maeve - she thinks I am so skilled.

88. Nieces - three of my beautiful girls will celebrate another year this week. Happy Birthday Brigit (8), Emma (5), and Miss Charlotte (2).

89. Planning vacation getaways - the excitement building is part of the fun!

90. Tutoring, one-on-one time, really seeing the progress. I get my fix of teaching without leaving my home.


Superhero Mom said...

I love slowing down too! By the way, those pancakes look so yummy! David is so generous with those chocolate chips! (we are stingy!) I love you! Are you planning a vacation somewhere near the best vacation spot in the country (hint hint)?

Lisa said...

AHHH! The voices of Angels! I love that "our little man" is surrounded by THEM, and each one has so much Love to give in THEIR own special way.Let us keep our eyes open to the Miracles that surround us each and every day.

Anonymous said...

Tracy - speaking of slowing down ... have your read the Amy Grant article I sent you a few weeks ago?? It speaks of slowing down and being still ... I suspect I'm going to have to resend it!

l love you!

Momma-of-5 said...

Seriously, maybe I need to sign up for therapy of some sort. I need to slow down and appreciate more. THANK YOU for the reminder! And hey, 2 things: Can Dave make pancakes over HERE sometime? They look AWESOME! And 2) When can Myles come over for a playdate? Ty's driving me CRAZY!