Thursday, July 24, 2008


Myles just loves his dad. This love is evidenced by how often he tries to imitate David. This week, in particular, I have so enjoyed watching Myles.

Early each morning Myles tells me he has to do his "work out" - so, out the back door he goes (in pj's and crocs) to perform some interesting moves on the swing set. Myles knows his daddy, he works out early each morning.

David is quite the fan of Formula 1 racing. To hear Myles report the results of qualifying and tell me who is "on pole" (?), just to pronounce the names of the drivers - shows me that Myles is a keen observer wanting to have dialogue with his dad.

Myles proudly wears his Keen sandals - just like his dad's. David is totally impressed with the many wonderful features of said sandals. And, Myles has embraced theses ideas just because he trusts his dad's opinions.

I was looking out the window tonight as David mowed the lawn and who should I see following right behind - Myles, with his own mower. I tried desperately to capture on camera the touching scene. Father and son, working alongside each other, basking in the evening sun's glow - truly a feast for my eyes! But alas, I am the worst photographer known to man. So use your imagination here - Myles following after his daddy, glad to be in his presence and willing to go where he leads.

All this, reminded me that if I claim to love God, my Father in Heaven, then shouldn't I be doing as Myles: loving, knowing, dialoguing, trusting and following after.

Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love... Ephesians 5:1

So, my Gift List continues - pressing on to 1,000 listed for my eyes to see and my heart to feel:

101. My David, a daddy worthy of being imitated.


ginny said...

Gotta love that dad and son stuff! Reminds me of the "old "days around here. Now Big Joe sits in his hammock and watches Little Joe cut the grass all by himself! Sons are the best ! (Just try and tell the daughter she has to cut the lawn).....

Momma-of-5 said...

So now do I need to provide photography lessons now that we've mastered the blogging?
Hey, I forget, how'd the whole blessing list start? Is it from a book?

Anonymous said...

that little Myles is ridicously (did I spell that right??) cute - it was great seeing you all this past weekend...looking forward to Hilton Head!