Monday, November 17, 2008

These Boots Were Made For Walking

Eamon is stylin' with some new orthotics. Exciting because this is the first step toward "standing". It will be a process, but the end result will be weight- bearing opportunities for the prince. These fancy boots, ok braces, will allow Eamon's feet to remain at a 90 degree angel. After an orthopedic clearance, we (drs/therapists) will fit our boy for a "stander". A somewhat Frankenstein looking device that will provide full body support in an upright position. Thus offering Eamon the experience of standing. Being upright allows for greater respiration, digestion, hip maturation and a whole new outlook on the Mister's world. I can hardly wait, but alas wait I must. Truly rehabilitative equipment takes forever to acquire. We are anxiously anticipating the arrival of Eamon's Kid Kart, a customized seating stroller and base, which we ordered June 3rd - yes, that would be almost 6 months ago, but I'm not bitter!

Regardless, we are thrilled for Eamon. He is ready for some new challenges.

If I may be so bold as to ask for a bit of detailed prayer for prince number 2. David and I often wonder if Eamon is uncomfortable, in any way, that we are unaware of. He doesn't speak, and while I feel completely in tune with Eamon and intuitively understand him, there are still some questions left unanswered. One that seems to plague us is whether Eamon has an itch. He would be unable to scratch it on his own, and how could he communicate such a need. I know it sounds trivial, but it upsets us to imagine our little man so uncomfortable. So to that end, David scratches Eamon randomly - a real full body scratch - just in case. And I, everyday during spa time rub and cream every exposed part of his precious body. Due to our diligent scratching, Eamon is probably the least itchy child around, but still a bit of prayer never hurt!

The Prince, in all his glory, watching Elmo - why is it every child loves that furry friend.


ginny said...

AWWWWW! We can't wait to take a walk around the lake with him !!!
Great things are in store for our little prince !!! Eamon - we love you - enjoy your new boots !!

Momma-of-5 said...

Yeah! Eamon's first pair of "shoes"! I'm so excited for you...all of you! It'll be worth the wait, Trace...hang in there.

Superhero Mom said...

What an amazing milestone! I'm so excited for all of you. We'll continue to pray, but I give God all the Glory as we all watch in wonderment and amazement how far this little boy has come! Thank you Father!