Monday, November 3, 2008

Get Out the Vote, Barclay Style

It should come as no surprise that the Barclay 5 tend to be on the conservative side. Maeve and Myles have been quite attune to the presidential election. Several months back, while driving in the car, Maeve announces, "Obama, Obama, Obama. Barack Obama, I'm so tired of hearing about him!" To which Myles commiserated.

This certainly set a tone for M&Ms tolerance factor for the other side.

With all the tension the race for the White House has created, I thought a bit of levity was needed. The following story is true, but names have been changed to protect the innocent.

Maeve was busy hanging her coat at school when her friend, we'll just call her Jane, came along. Maeve enthusiastically asked who she (Jane) was voting for. Without hesitation, the unsuspecting girl answered "Barack Obama!". Aghast, Maeve responded with "W-h-a-t, don't you know he lies!" Poor, frightened Jane answered, "I didn't know." Maeve was still reeling when she later relayed the event to me. Horrified that her friend would vote for "Barack-O".

The girls have since settled on agreeing to disagree, and will continue on peacefully their friendship.

I am glad to see such enthusiasm for civics.
So tomorrow, Maeve and Myles will accompany us to the polls and cast "their" vote. No secret who Maeve is voting for! Go McCain/Palin!


ginny said...

Ha ha -- Laurie told me today a group of her after school care kids were discussing the election today and she was surprised how many supported Obama (probably hearing it from their parents....)
One 5 year old in the corner was very quiet and she asked him who he was voting for and he said Mc Cain because Obama hurts babies and takes all our money !!!!
She asked him "who told you that?" and he pointed to the 5 YEAR OLD next to him and said HE DID !!! Parents aren't the only influence on our kids! Out of the mouth of babes....

Superhero Mom said...

Wow! I have been busy, but you get the award! You rock at getting those pictures on! I hope I have time soon. So, first I heard about your stay in the hospital....we were praying for you. Secondly, I totally loved your pumpkins (both the orange ones and your cutie pie pumpkins too)! Thirdly, I loved this story...we have a Shane story so similar its not funny (oh but it is!) I love you Tracy Catherine....I'll be posting soon...stay tuned!