Thursday, November 20, 2008

Our 7 Wonders of the World!

Well, the 7+ Wonders of our World. My children are somewhat fascinated with the idea of a free public library. So much so that we have started visiting the libraries that dot Bergen County. Some like to travel afar, some like to be connoisseurs, we like to fully acquaint ourselves with the vast circulation of books, DVDs and audio recording in our neighboring towns.

M&M don't quite understand the "free" part. Maeve, the only other card holder in our traveling band, tells me "Don't worry Mom, I've got it this time."

Their feverish excitement reminds me of a friend I used to teach with. Bashi is an avid reader, with a vocabulary that includes words like.......well, they are so impressive I can't remember the one I was going to reference. Anyway, Bashi was mugged several years back. While giving report to the police, she was gripped with absolute terror. Bashi realized her library card was included in the lost items. She had images of the assailant racing to her library, checking out all the new releases and DVDs with no plan to return them in a timely fashion, and ultimately sticking Bashi with untold overdue fees. Clearly, Bashi wins for greatest respect for "the card" and overall devotion to the Library, but Maeve and Myles are in close second.

The countdown has begun for Myles. At age 5, he too will be eligible for a library card. And then, Maeve will not have to always throw hers down for payment.


ginny said...

I LOVE THE LIBRARY ! You never know what wonderful things you will find to read or see there !
I'm glad M & M enjoy it too ! Libraries usually have great story hours too !

Superhero Mom said...

We are huge library fans as well! Every single Wednesday we are there...they actually expect to see us and when we don't show up...we are missed! Every week...two books, two DVDs.