Sunday, February 8, 2009

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling!

Eamon has been on the move lately! For some time he has been able to lift his legs, but Eamon decided to add kicking his legs to the repertoire! So, we have been looking for ways to encourage this new trick, and Ms. Ellen, Eamon's home PT, has found one.

Ms. Ellen thought it would be fun for Eamon to feel himself moving as a result of his kicking. An over sized scooter, towel for padding, and some straps to hold Eamon in place, and we were off to new places...or at least, across the floor.

It did not take Eamon long to realize if he pushed against Ms. Ellen's thumb, he would scoot a bit. True to form, Eamon laughed with each jolt.

Eamon and his girlfriend setting-up for the ride of his life!

Ellen was so proud of our boy. Kisses, squeezes, and cheers.

Eamon really worked hard, and conked-out immediately following.

Amazing, Eamon on the move, in a totally unique way - one I certainly never imagined, but moving nonetheless. Nothing is impossible, some situations just require a little outside-the-box thinking. Myles recently said he wanted Eamon to get up already and run around with him. Well, brace yourself big brother, Eamon will soon be chasing you down on his new wheels!


Momma-of-5 said...

Okay that looks like FUN! Can I get a Mommy-sized scooter?

Way to go, Eamon! One small mean, roll!

ginny said...

We remember those scooters in school ! What fun ! Think how fast we could all get our work done on a scooter !!! Let's roll Eamon !

Superhero Mom said...

That is so great! How fun! I always loved going to PT with Kyle! He is so precious! Can't wait to see him...and Myles in the flesh. I can't wait to see Maeve too, but I have held her and seen her in the flesh, but we have yet to meet the Barclay boys. I can hardly wait until March! Love you!

Scrapronicity said...

Check that boy out! I love the photos Tracy, how nice it is to be part of the a way. I can't get over how big he is. Each new photo shows him in a different light...sitting up..."rolling"...It's fantastic!

Jodi :)