Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Best Laid Plans...

It was a beautiful day - low 60s, sun shining, no jacket required - kind of day. Myles wanted to be out, so I thought it the perfect chance to try out Eamon's new chair aboard the stroller base!

So much for the best laid plans... I set all the pieces in place, changed Eamon, readied Myles, and prepared the oxygen tank. My thought, I would disconnect Eamon, run to the back door to reset new tank (the one that can be attached to new stroller -yeah!), race back in to grab the Prince. The part I never factored in was, back door locking before I was back in - instant panic! Eamon, now locked in without oxygen, I outside without cell phone. I scramble to neighbor, place frantic call to Mother-in-law, who lives around the corner, and anxiously wait for the spare key to arrive.

An eternity seemed to pass, I am expecting to see red van cornering on two wheels and skidding to a halt, throwing the key off to me, as if this was some sort of relay event. Instead, the scene is my Father-in-law leisurely, I did say leisurely :-) , walking toward my house. I start yelling for him to speed-up, but he doesn't seem to hear me. I run to him, grab the key, and bullet back to Eamon. Eamon had been having a particularly "junkie" day preceded by a difficult night. I could not get to him fast enough.

I open the door, no alarm sounding, no gasping boy with blue lips, just my sweet, patient, prince smiling at the sight of his silly, silly mama! I take a deep breath and return to the original plan - prince to stroller, quickly.

Eamon was surprised by the sunlight, he is not used to being upright while traveling outdoors. He squinted and promptly fell asleep. So much for a new adventure. Maybe the next sunny, warm, February day. I believe my first gray strand made its formal debut today!

So, I offer these less than perfect photos just because it's the prince, outside, in his new stroller on such a glorious day.

See eyes are already closing, literally within minutes of being out the door!
And, here is the fire we were chasing... Myles cruising at high speeds on big wheels.


ginny said...

Oh my gosh ! I can imagine the panic ! and I can see "father in law" strolling to your house too !!
Glad to see you guys got to enjoy that beautiful day .
PS Get that kid some sunglasses so he may stay awake longer to enjoy the view ! Love ya all.

Barclay 5 said...

Eamon in sunglasses,
I love it Ginny!

ginny said...

They've gotta be some cool good lookin shades though for that cool good looking kid! Got to find some movie star shades for that boy !

Superhero Mom said...

Whew! I would have been a wreck too! I thought of the Lord just smiling down repeating what He has already said in his word, "Be anxious about nothing." He and Eamon have a special bond and it is clear to see that God's got your prince's back! Love you...Happy Valentine's Day...I'm praying for you all today...praying for good health so we can see you very soon!

Unknown said...

Your son Myles is looking very cute and chubby. As he is out in the sun he may fall asleep so it better to use best stroller like Mickey sport pushchair which is very much protective from sun and has attractive looks.