Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Looking Back - Part 5

I felt a glimpse of Mimi in scrubs bared repeating - too fun!

Everyone took their position. At 8:35 am on February 3, 2007, Eamon Joseph Barclay entered our world. He had a cry, weak sounding, but a cry. He was here and alive! I still get chills when I remember the faint sound of life filling the room. They quickly gave me a peek then whisked him away to be looked over. David was at the door, filming the event. All you hear on our video is David thanking God, over and over, for Eamon.

Messy, I know, but fresh into the world, and I wanted you to see what we saw.

They didn't bother to wipe him, they knew this mama

wanted to see for herself the Miracle.

Eamon weighed 5.85lbs. The neonatologist, Dr. Mangenello, was genuinely surprised and pleased. Eamon was much larger than anticipated, and appeared to be doing quite well with apgar scores of 8/9 respectively! A concern of mine, before the delivery, was being able to see the baby following the birth - I wanted time to bond, immediately! After a c-section you are basically bed-bound for 24 hours, or at the least, until feeling returns to your lower body. Eamon was doing so well that Dr. Mang assured me, after the evaluation in the NICU, he would bring Eamon to my room for a visit.

Be still my heart.

The Prince, cleaned-up and ready for some lovin'.

Daddy made it all the way into the room.

Mimi was the only one to hold our sweet boy.

I was off to recovery. Eamon, escorted by his Daddy, had gone to the NICU. And Mimi went to greet the small band gathered in the waiting area with the good report!

In the NICU, Eamon was able to pass through the initial area reserved for the most critical children. He was weighed, measured, foot printed, and washed up.

Oh, he had such a head of hair, black-as-night, and was simply a beautiful sight to behold.

Eamon's oxygen saturation numbers were low so a nasal cannula was slipped on for temporary assistance. There was little concern, the drs thought it would correct itself shortly. The Dr visited us in my room, saying things weren't exactly as they had thought, but David quickly asserted that things were as they had thought , but had changed because God intervened.

Family and some friends visited David and I, but no baby in my room yet. Maeve and Myles arrived, but were not able to see their little brother. We all just chatted and waited for news that Eamon was no longer requiring O2, and was ready to be held!

Sadly ,our wait would be long.

Maeve, the Big Sis, ready to meet her boy.

Myles was too busy running around to be captured in film.

Eamon, resting with the cannula.


Superhero Mom said...

I am sorry that I haven't written in is just....well crazy here right now. However, I have been keeping up on your writings. Oh Tracy how precious of you to share those moments. My eyes are full of tears, my heart is full of pride and love. I am so very proud of you and David, for the journey you endured and are still enduring, I'm proud of Eamon for the milestones he has hurdled like a superhero, and I am indeed proud of our Lord for saying to your mountain "MOVE" and it was, and still is being moved for all to bask in his glory! Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

ginny said...

Oh - I remember that day ! The praises and gratitude that went up to the heavens that day were numerous! God smiled upon Eamon that day and continues to do so !
Our hearts also are full of love for all of you ! Uncle Joe was so moved by what God had done and so grateful ! We love you all and can't wait to see Eamon celebrate his 2nd birthday !!!