Thursday, October 16, 2008

Stones of Remembrance

Well the camera was charged, but after a meeting of the minds we have decided to hold off on school. It seems clear that Eamon needs a private duty nurse in order to safely attend the program, but more on that another day.

Yesterday was The National Day of Remembrance for Pregnancy and Infant Loss. My heart is sensitive to such loss because that was the sole prognosis for Eamon. Those feelings of uncertainty during our pregnancy, not being promised life after the womb, are quick to bring back to remembrance.

In the fall of our pregnancy I felt it necessary to acknowledge Eamon's life in a tangible way. David and I had just celebrated 10 years together, and a gift was still pending. I had found a circle of love necklace intertwining three thin bands of diamonds. Perfect, I thought. I had three children, regardless of the outcome of our pregnancy. There was something powerful in proclaiming those three lives in a public manner. "This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live." (Deut.30:19) We chose life long before the necklace, but the "stones" were to be reminders of the gift God had already given. Eamon, in my womb. Moving, kicking, and very much alive.
Today, the day after we remember the lives that have gone home, I felt it appropriate to celebrate Eamon. To remember where we were, and rejoice with each breathe Eamon takes here on earth. We were in church a few weeks ago, and a woman came up to visit Eamon at the end of service. She mentioned how she had enjoyed watching me kiss and hold Eamon closely. I blushed, but remarked how I relish any opportunity to sit quietly with my little man. I am thankful for all my moments with him and choose to never take them for granted.
I know I am usually asking for prayer for Eamon, and I will again tomorrow, but for today would you just thank God with us for our prince. May the Lord satisfy Eamon with long life so that he can proclaim what God has done!


colleen said...

Tracy- I remember when you got that necklace, what a great representation of your 3 jewels, Maeve, Myles, and Eamon! Today, as i do every day, i rejoice along with you for Eamon's miraculous life! He is nothing short of amazing and in time he will find his niche...right now he is where he is supposed to be, with a family that loves and adores him. Always know that i am here for you and for Eamon whenever you need me and whatever the situation. i love you and all the Barclays...hugs and kisses!!!

Mimi said...

Dear Tracy,As Uncle Pat would say "Whats the good news?" The good news is where ever we find ourselves in this life, we know for certain that our future is secure in HIM and we have eternal life.God had to let his only son go through unspeakable and sorrowing seasons in his life,that we might live and be healed and have our eternal life secured in heaven.Mary, Jesus mother had to go through much in her life. She could have refused to be Jesus mom BUT she trusted her God, as you did Tracy. You and David trusted God and You brought Eamon into this world.You do not see the big picture as only God does.WE embrace the wilderness because God is in it.WE will not stay in the wilderness because God will bring you through.Eamon is in GODS HANDS.WOW He is with GOD. That is why I love to be with Eamon.GODS PRESENCE is all over Eamon.God will give you and David the Grace and Strength as you need it.Those of us who know Eamon do rejoice with you and are grateful GOD allowed Eamons life to come forth.We will continue to PRAISE GOD because HE is FAITHFUL and we will continue to TRUST GOD for Eamon and for your family.As the song goes TRUST and OBEY for there is no other way to be Happy in Jesus but to TRUST and OBEY.

Lisa said...

When the time is right God will place Eamon where he needs to be.But for now "THE MOTHER'S HEART IS THE CHILDS SCHOOLROOM."
Everyday we celebrate the MIRACLE of LIFE, Eamon is a constant reminder of how much our God loves us and trusts us to care for all of HIS "precious stones" and to HIM we are forever grateful.

Superhero Mom said...

What a beautiful post. As one who has lost 14 babies due to failed pregnancy, I understand full well the reasons to celebrate! So yes, we celebrate and thank the Lord for Eamon's life! I just told Brendan the other day that I am so excited to see what God has destined for him and all my boys. How special he must be that God chose to allow him and his brothers to be born, when all of the other babies were not. I do believe with all of my heart, as I know you and your entire family do, Eamon has a destiny that will blow our minds! God has great plans for Him! The Engels stand with you as you celebrate his life and pray for the destiny of God to be fulfilled through him! We love you so much!

grandma carole said...

The above comments are all so beautiful and there is not too much to add. I too, agree with Mimi that when I hold Eamon, the presence of the Lord is there and brings peace to my soul. Even just looking into his precious face, I see Jesus. There is also another song that I love to sing whenever circumstances seem unsurmountable, GOD WILL MAKE A WAY WHEN THERE SEEMS TO BE NO WAY1
I truly believe that we have not seen the big miracle that God has in srore for Eamon that will bring the glory to God that we all know is the purpose for Eamons life. It is to precious to watch Maeve and Myles (and Mom and Dad too) loving on Eamon. God certainly placed him in the right family. What a blessing.