Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Postcard Series - Take 2

Good Morning Hilton Head!

A great start to any day is a walk on the beach. Maeve and Myles slept in, so I was able to wander the shore line.

Thoughts and prayers mesh out so easily in the gentle waves.

A late breakfast at our favorite - Harbortown Bakery! And then it was off for a bike ride.

Myles and Uncle Tim riding a not-so-straight line.

Aunty, always looking fabulous!

Herself, taking in the sights.

Some of the sights.

Across from the Light House

Lunch and back to the beach/pool. Lots of laughing and relaxing.

Uncle Jerry and Aunt Colleen, always ready with a pose.

Our very own Merman.

Myles, taking a break from digging.

Look what Maeve found...more reasons NOT to swim in the ocean.

Jaws was fished out and released right back into our swimming area...the ONLY reason I need to stay out of the water!

The view from our balcony as we returned home for dinner. Mimi and Papa had everything ready, all we had to do was eat. A full day, memories in the making. We love this place!

1 comment:

Momma-of-5 said...

Looks like fun! Wish I was there! =)