Saturday, December 12, 2009


My Gift List continues...

Number 156 - His presence.

How strange, that God would choose a cold, smelly manger for the birth of His son. Jesus, wonderful counselor, mighty God, everlasting Father, our prince of peace...lying in an unexalted bed, having come so close, His presence touching ours. God positions himself in humble places, where He makes His presence known.

We, meaning those who know and love Eamon, are aware that he seems to peacefully rest in the presence of God. It is often my explanation for his pleasant disposition, patience and joy-filled attitude. But in light of Christmas, and the manger, my understanding is quickened. The reality, Emmanuel - God being with us, becomes so clear. He chose to be present for each of us, and to be found among the least of these...with the poor, the dispossessed, the ones the world would push to the side, and it is there that He can be found.

Eamon walks closely with God, and I am so thankful to witness the divine crossing paths with humanity. It's like everyday is Christmas, I just love "presence"!

1 comment:

Mimi said...

My Dear Daughter Tracy and Son David and wonderful Maeve Myles and Eamon how blest I am to share life with you. I read your blog this morning.It was a timely reminder of GODS PRESENCE in my life.I pray GODS PRESENCE in your home and lives even MORE in 2010 I LOVE YOU ALL MIMIxxxoooxxxoookie