Saturday, July 11, 2009

Lessons I'm Learning Along the Road - Part 3

From deep soul checks to paradigm shifts, I find mothering Maeve, Myles and Eamon to offer ample opportunities for my own growth.


The nurses who care for Eamon act kindly, seem to genuinely care for the prince, and certainly perform many tasks throughout the day and night. But, I was stopped in my tracks by the beautiful expression of service Nurse Maria bestowed on my son. After a full day of effort from himself, Maria prepared a bucket of warm water, gathered a towel, wash cloth, soap, and cream. Settling in next to Eamon, she began to wash his feet.

I am not sure I could find a more succinct demonstration of humility. Jesus washed the disciples feet - the master bowing before the servants. Divine concepts run contrary to our human ideas. It's better to rule over, get ahead, demand respect...right? Not in God's kingdom. I felt humbled to see Eamon, our prince, exalted in a tangible and utterly loving manner. And, I felt the sting of all those times I have chosen to exalt myself over the needs of others.

Maria's example challenged me to look for occasions to wash feet. And, if you only knew how detestable feet are to me...I have often said I love David down to his ankles. The chance to extend "Jesus" to someone other than myself, remembering fulfillment comes from doing His will.

And He washed feet!

True...Eamon's feet are precious - I do like under-10 year old-feet, but that's another story.


Scrapronicity said...

Beautifully written and touching as always...miss you guys! Sending our love...XOXO

Superhero Mom said...

Indeed..I am a firm believer that our children are partly given to us to not only teach us, but to change us! Love what you wrote here! I miss you and love you lots. Hope things work out...if you see my Denise, send my love!