Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Today, I took Eamon and Myles along with me to Maeve's dance class. They usually spend that time with MiMi. However, today they were with me. A first for Eamon. I was excited to introduce him to the other dance moms while we waited. But, I was surprised by their reaction. No one came over to meet my boy, they all awkwardly carried on with the usual banter. Just quick peeks at him.

When the girls came out, Maeve was thrilled to show off her little brother. The kids were just as excited, and curious. What are all those wires for? Do they hurt? Why does he need extra air? What's wrong with him? Can I touch him? I found myself so at ease talking with these young friends about Eamon. It seemed natural that there would be questions. And I was delighted to share with them our new brand of normal.

Kids are great for getting to the heart of the matter. So I thought it might be helpful to open the floor for questions. I want people to talk to, touch, and enjoy Eamon. Fear paralyzes, Truth brings freedom. So ask away...

And the Gifts keep coming (see previous post):
11. Children who don't know to be afraid to ask the hard questions.
12. Little boy compliments - "Mommy you look beautiful today."
13. No oxygen, and still above 95 on the monitor!
14. A husband who camps in the yard with his kids -tent, flashlights, smores...and, me with the bed to myself!
15. My man by may side the following night!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Myles Turns 4!

May 24th my little man turned did that happen? Such anticipation for the big day. Here is Myles on the eve of his bday...the last day of 3!
Myles woke up to a pile of presents. He walked right past the brand-new-bike, and started unwrapping a gift from Maeve. As soon as the paper tore he yelled, "I've wanted this (mind you he hasn't a clue what "it" is) for years and years!" I just love, love this little man!
My children are really into their numbers, it seems to identify them. So, without further ado, welcome to 4, sweet prince, or as of late - pirate, aargh.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Eamon Update

Tentatively, Eamon is scheduled for surgery June 16th. There is some coordination of surgeons still in the works. The surgery is a fundoplication. The idea is to wrap the upper portion of Eamon's stomach (the fundus) around his esophagus creating a stronger valve. This would
prevent anything from coming back up from the stomach thus protecting Eamon's lungs. He is at risk of aspirating (fluid swallowed into the lungs) which causes respiratory distress and lung damage. While under anesthesia, a muscle biopsy is to be done. The Drs are looking for an underlying diagnosis.

As with any surgery, the anesthesia is cause for concern. Due to Eamon's unstable respiratory status, he is at greater risk. The surgery should take about 3 hours. Our hope is that the surgery will be done laparoscopicly; however, the Dr won't know for sure if it is possible until he starts. Eamon has a g-tube in his stomach for his feedings. If it is in the way, they will need to cut.

Thank you for your prayers and support. God has certainly given us the grace for each day, and we know He will continue.

The specific areas to pray for are:

  • Eamon to be healed!

  • The surgeon's skill in wrapping Eamon's stomach- not too loose or tight!

  • That the surgery will be done laparoscopicly -healing will be faster.

  • The anesthesia team will know the perfect time to extabate Eamon.

  • Eamon will recover quickly and be stronger than before.

  • The details of a hospital stay.

  • Maeve and Myles will not miss a beat.

  • Peace for this Mommy and Daddy

Often when I pray for Eamon, I speak scripture verses because those promises are the only truth we acknowledge. "For I know the plans I have for you (Eamon), declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

And the Gift List continues (see previous post):

6. Eamon, who only brings joy!

7. People who pray

8. God's intervention using medicine and Drs - miraculous!

9. My dishwasher, happily cleaning the day's mess.

10. Getting into my warm bed after a long day.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Count Me In!

I am joining the Gratitude Community with Ann Voskamp @ Holy Experience. Her challenge is to look for the gifts God has lavished on us, to name them one-by-one. How can I complain when my mouth is filled with thanksgiving, when my eyes are trained to recognize the beauty in each day, when I choose to celebrate the daily, common graces bestowed on me. The truth is that Life is Good, and so is God!

1,000! Here goes...

  1. The sweet sound coming through the monitor of my babies sleeping.
  2. Myles' birthday week! Look who's turning 4 on Saturday.
  3. Maeve's caterpillars have moved into the pupal stage -how cool to watch her excitement at their miraculous transformation!
  4. David, my very own personal shopper...I am always well stocked-up on bananas.
  5. The word of God which has truly been life to this body and soul.

Let the words of my mouth be pleasing to you, O God!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


A friend's thoughts reminded me of a poem given to me after Eamon was born.

Just think,

your son is not here by chance,

but by God's choosing.

His hand formed him and

made him the person he is.

God compares him to no one else-

he is one of a kind.

Your son will lack nothing

that God's grace can't give him.

God has allowed your son to be here

at this time in history

to fulfill His special purpose

for this generation.

Roy Lessin

Another Dr. appointment today. Eamon seems to stump them all! I find peace knowing that although "man" is confounded by our son, and a diagnosis is not forthcoming; God knows him intimately. He knit him together in my womb. Eamon is fearfully and wonderfully made with a hope and a future secured by his creator. I've heard it said that perfection consists in doing His will, in being what He wills us to be. Eamon is God's display of perfection!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Diving In!

Where to begin... God has blessed David, my wonderful husband, and I with 3 beautiful children. Our life was progressing quite normally, married, first child -amazing little girl we named Maeve, excited to have our 2nd, a dashing boy, Myles, and thrilled to be expecting our 3rd - a boy, Eamon Joseph. But our world was rocked, when we learned our precious little boy had a severe brain abnormality. It was our 20 week ultrasound - a time for rejoicing, planning, dreaming. On that dark day, when doom was pronounced over our son - God's brightest light pierced that room, and our hearts with the promise of hope - "Do not be afraid, your pray has been heard." And so begun our walk of faith. God has been found in the details of each day -guiding us, prompting us, stirring us.

This blog is dedicated to seeing the miraculous in our daily life, a place to give thanks and share the journey with our family and friends.